Upcoming Event: Regional and International Partners’ Workshop on African Pastoral Market Development Platform - 19-20 June 2024

Thu, 13-06-2024 15:00:00

AU-IBAR, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (B&MGF), is pleased to announce the establishment and launch of the African Pastoral Markets Development (APMD) Platform. This revolutionary pan-African effort intends to promote market-driven, adaptive reforms in pastoralism, which is an important component of Africa's Inclusive Agricultural Transformation.

The APMD Platform: A Vision for Change
The APMD Platform is designed to address the multifaceted challenges of pastoralism by focusing on three strategic pillars:
1.    Strengthening Enabling Policy Environment and Strategic Implementation: Developing and implementing policies that create a supportive environment for pastoral market development.
2.    Enhancing Private Sector Integration in Pastoral Livestock Markets: Promoting active participation from the private sector to boost market efficiency and economic growth.
3.    Developing and Diffusing Functional Data Ecosystems: Establishing robust data systems to inform policy decisions and enhance market operations.

Expert Workshop: A Collaborative Approach
To accomplish these objectives, AU-IBAR will host an Expert Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, from June 19 to 20, 2024. The workshop's goal is to promote knowledge sharing and early involvement among Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Regional and International Developmental Partners. The theme of the workshop is “Harnessing Knowledge Sharing and Partnerships for Sustainable Pastoral Market Development and Sector Transformation.”

Workshop Objectives
This workshop will serve as a dynamic platform for exchanging knowledge, identifying synergies, and strengthening collaborative engagement among regional and international partners. The specific objectives include:
•    Promoting Knowledge Sharing: Share insights on similar regional and international initiatives, discuss success stories, and explore challenges, gaps, and opportunities for promoting pastoral livestock marketing.
•    Assessment of Policy Enabling Environment: Evaluate the regional policy environment supporting pastoral livestock marketing and sector transformation.
•    Consensus Building and Promoting Engagement: Build consensus and promote active engagement among regional and international partners for the sustainable implementation of the APMD Platform, and the formation of the Partnership Forum of the APMD-Platform.

Diverse and Expert Participation
The workshop will bring together a diverse group of experts, including representatives from:
•    Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
•    Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)
•    Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
•    Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
•    African Union bodies: Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (DARBE), and The African Union - Semi-Arid Food Grains Research and Development (SAFGRAD)
•    International Developmental Partners: European Union (EU), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
•    International Finance Institutions: African Development Bank (AfDB) and World Bank (WB)
•    International Research Institutions: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and African Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)

These participants have been instrumental in supporting pastoral sector transformation in Africa and will contribute their vast knowledge and experience to the workshop.

Methodology: Engaging and Informative
The workshop will feature:
•    Interactive Sessions: Plenary discussions, working group discussions, and Q&A segments focusing on policy enabling environments, data sharing, and promoting pastoral livestock marketing.
•    Case Studies: Presentations on successful pastoral livestock market integration and sector transformation initiatives, highlighting past and current projects and priority integrated interventions.
•    Networking Events: Opportunities for interactions, cooperation, and partnership building, leading to the formation of the APMD-P Partnership Forum.

Expected Outcomes
This workshop aims to deliver:
•    A comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in pastoral livestock marketing, stakeholder integration, and sector transformation.
•    Tailored recommendations to support the pastoral livestock sector and marketing in Sub-Saharan regions.
•    Priority integrated actions for improving data ecosystems and integrating the pastoral private sector into livestock markets across Africa and beyond.
•    Strengthened networks and partnerships among regional and international stakeholders, and the structure and Terms of Reference (TOR) for the APMD-P Partnership Forum.

This workshop promises to be a cornerstone event in the journey towards a sustainable, inclusive transformation of pastoral markets across Africa. By harnessing the power of knowledge sharing and strategic partnerships, we can create a robust foundation for pastoral market development and sector transformation. 

Contact us for more information or to be part of the African Pastoral Markets Development (APMD) Platform, on email: ibar.office@au-ibar.org