AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2014-2017

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AU-IBAR Publication Type

The AU-IBAR Strategic Plan (SP) 2014-2017 is anchored to the Bureau’s expanded mandate that includes livestock, wildlife and fisheries. The Strategic Plan seeks to consolidate support to the animal resources sector by providing an integrated multi-level road map.


An Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to the reduction of poverty and hunger.


To be the vehicle of the AU for providing leadership and integrated support services for the development of animal resources in Africa.


To support and coordinate the sustainable development and utilization of animal resources to enhance nutrition and food security and contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of the people in the MSs of the AU.


Objective 1: To strengthen veterinary governance and animal health systems for increased productivity, improved food and nutritional security, enhanced food safety and trade, and public health protection.

Objective 2: To strengthen animal resource production systems, improve management of animal resources and promote sustainable ecosystem management.

Objective 3: To facilitate increased access to inputs, services and markets for animals and animal products.

Objective 4: To improve creation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge for effective animal resource development.

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