Integrated Regional Coordination Mechanism for the control of TADs and Zoonoses in Africa

Project Start
Project Completion
Project Status
Project Brief/Background

Strengthen the capacity of RECs and their member states to effectively coordinate, harmonize and execute interventions in the prevention and control of TADs and zoonoses, including of emerging and re-emerging diseases with the participation of all stakeholders.

Specific objectives

  1. Provide an objective medium and long term approach for strengthening the coordination of TADs & zoonoses prevention and control among Regional Economic Communities and African Union member states.
  2. Provide mutually acceptable approach to inter-country interactions (communication, joint action, resource sharing, incident command structure etc) in regard to TADs & zoonoses.
  3. Serve as the entry point for investment and capacity building for the progressive control and eradication of priority TADs and zoonoses in Africa.
  4. Provide a strategic framework for the institutionalization of TADs and zoonoses prevention and control in line with the economic and political integration agenda of the African Union.
  5. Provide a platform for the operationalization of the one health strategic framework in Africa
Project Outcomes

Expected results

  • Road map for coordination of TADs & zoonoses prevention and control within and between the RECs established.
  • Formal mechanisms for interaction between Member States, sectors and actors (communication, joint action, resource sharing, networking etc ) in regard to TADs & zoonoses established.
  • Objective plans for capacity building and support to the coordination of TADs & zoonoses in RECs, their MSs and institutions developed and operationalized.
  • The means to streamline investments in the coordination of TADs and zoonoses prevention and control in Africa established.
  • Trade and free movement of goods in Africa's animal resources sector in line with Africa's integration agenda accelerated.
Project Objectives

Overall objective / Goal

Provide an objective and progressive approach to coordination and capacity development for the effective management of TADs and zoonoses, including emerging/re-emerging diseases in Africa.


Strengthen the capacity of RECs and their member states to effectively coordinate, harmonize and execute interventions in the prevention and control of TADs and zoonoses, including of emerging and re-emerging diseases with the participation of all stakeholders.

Specific objectives

  1. Provide an objective medium and long term approach for strengthening the coordination of TADs & zoonoses prevention and control among Regional Economic Communities and African Union member states.
  2. Provide mutually acceptable approach to inter-country interactions (communication, joint action, resource sharing, incident command structure etc) in regard to TADs & zoonoses.
  3. Serve as the entry point for investment and capacity building for the progressive control and eradication of priority TADs and zoonoses in Africa.
  4. Provide a strategic framework for the institutionalization of TADs and zoonoses prevention and control in line with the economic and political integration agenda of the African Union.
  5. Provide a platform for the operationalization of the one health strategic framework in Afr
Promotional and Visibility materials
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doc_20120210_ircm_brochure_en.pdf (672.42 KB) 672.42 KB