Reinforcing Veterinary Governance in Africa (VET-GOV) Programme Launches Pilot Activity in the Republic of South Sudan


Image removed.© 2014 AU-IBAR. Participants during the VET-GOV inauguration of the pilot activity in South Sudan on 14th October, at JB Hotel, Juba, South Sudan.AU-IBAR, under its VET-GOV Programme, launched a pilot activity entitled "Veterinary policy formulation and advocacy for enactment of veterinary legislations" in South Sudan on 14th October 2014. The ceremony presided by Dr. Makuei Malual Kaang, the Undersecretary, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Industry and Dr. Jacob Korok, the Director General in the same Ministry was attended by stakeholders from FAO South Sudan Office, the private sector, ICRC, the Universities, the Sudan Bureau of Statistics and staff from the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Industry.

Dr. Samuel Wakhusama representing AU-IBAR and the IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Development (ICPALD) elaborated the purpose of the VET-GOV programme and congratulated the Republic of South Sudan for securing the funding through competitive bidding. He thanked the European Union (EU) for providing funding support and AU-IBAR's partners on the programme, FAO and OIE, for their diligent partnerships in executing the programme. On his part, Dr. Makuei Malual Kaang thanked AU-IBAR and IGAD for their continued support to the Republic of South Sudan and indicated the support provided through VET-GOV would go a long way in helping shape the policy landscape in the livestock sector in the Republic of South Sudan.