Regional training workshop on technologies for the promotion of local poultry value chain in Central Africa

20210104_Banner workshop poultry value chain Central Africa
Start Date
Tue, 06-04-2021 08:30:00
End Date
Tue, 06-04-2021 17:30:00

Venue: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.

The overall objective of the training is to update the participants on the development process of a specific livestock value chain, with special focus on poultry.

The specific objectives are to work with the Economic Community of Central Africa States local chicken value chain stakeholders in participatory way to:

  • Identify key components and priority interventions areas of the local chicken value chain in Central Africa
  • Validate and adopt models of community-based chicken breeding program while addressing technical gaps in the value chain
  • Highlight the relevant technology and start up innovations to sustain the regional local chicken value chain
  • Design the way forward towards developing the local chicken cooperatives, national branches of the Central Africa Poultry association and the value chain within the region
  • Develop a step wise Action Plan to guide the sustainability of the regional local chicken value chain

Participants: Poultry farmers' associations and cooperatives, livestock extension agents, local poultry breeders and poultry technology innovation start-ups.


Project funded by European Union.