Workshop on Animal Biotechnology: The next frontier

©2021 AU IBAR banner_Animal-Biotechnology-Workshop_Kenya-Edition
Start Date
Mon, 22-03-2021 08:30:00
End Date
Wed, 24-03-2021 17:30:00
©2021 AUIBAR banner_Animal-Biotechnology-Workshop_Kenya-Edition


National Stakeholders Sensitization and Awareness Workshop on Animal Biotechnology Applications and Regulatory Perspectives –  22- 24th March 2021 in Naivasha, Kenya.

Workshop Objectives :

  • To share experiences on status of animal biotechnology research, regulatory and commercial approvals globally and regionally.
  • To create linkages among animal biotechnology stakeholders for leveraging on knowledge, scientific infrastructure and nurturing of enabling policies.
  • To identify priority needs and opportunities for animal biotech applications for facilitating development of practical roadmap and steering the continent forward in line with Agenda 2063 and the ST&I Strategy for Africa (STISA - 2024).
  • To develop a communication outline for creating awareness on animal biotechnology

Project: Live 2 Africa Funded by European Union
