Ministers in Ethiopia and Sudan to Spur Implementation of LITS


Image removed.© 2015 AU-IBAR. The AU-IBAR Team at the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rangelands, Sudan.The AU-IBAR and IGAD Team that made a working visit to Ethiopia and Sudan have achieved to develop a consolidated national work plans for the implementation of the piloting programme of Livestock Identification and Traceability System (LITS) in the two countries. The Team, composed of experts from AU-IBAR, IGAD and two Consultants hired by the STSD Project, made a working visit to Ethiopia from 13th to 15th and to the Sudan on 22nd and 23rd August 2015, aiming at launching the piloting programme of LITS.

Having a fruitful discussion with the officials and experts in the two countries, the Team has successfully forged a common understanding on objectives and strategies, and developed feasible work plans for the piloting programmes. During its stay in the two countries, the Team had the chance to explain the Ethiopian State Minister, Dr Gebregziabher Gebreyohannes, and the Sudanese Minister, Prof Musa Tibin, of the objectives and scopes of the LITS pilot activities. Besides, the Team met the national LITS Teams in both countries and discussed issues related to implementations as well as visited livestock markets and feedlots in Khartoum, Sudan.

The LITS pilot programme is being implemented in the two countries following the proposal made by a team of experts from IGAD/ICPALD and AU-IBAR. This has been later endorsed by the Steering Committee Members of the STSD Project.


One of the major activities of the STSD is piloting of Livestock Identification and Traceability System (LITS) in Ethiopia and the Sudan, The primary objective of the pilot initiative is to develop and test LITS in a limited scale and assess its feasibility, cost effectiveness and viability. It is expected that at the end of the piloting activity, a fully-functioning LITS will build the confidence of existing and potential importers from the two countries and thereby increase exports of livestock commodities. It will also help these countries to penetrate other markets and reduce supply chain inefficiencies by relaxing import requirements, improve animal health, mitigate and control disease outbreaks, and improve herd management and productivity.