Animal genetic resources taxonomy advisory group (AnGR-TAG) write shop for the development of revised and harmonized characterization, inventory and monitoring AnGR tools’ guidelines

The AnGR-TAG writeshop was convened under the AU-IBAR genetics project 'Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of African Animal Genetic Resources' in Naivasha, Sweet Lake Resort on 14th – 17th April 2015.

The meeting gathered 22 technical experts drawn from the 5 sub-regions of Africa (represented by the following countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, Rwanda, Malawi, Nigeria, Lesotho, Tanzania, Uganda and Tunisia) and implementing partners (ILRI and CIRDES).

The writeshop aimed at offering the newly appointed AnGR-TAG members, a platform to work towards the development of the first draft of the revised and harmonized characterization, inventory and monitoring tools' guidelines and an opportunity to formulate a strategy to guide successful implementation and improved utilization of the revised tools within AU Member States.

The writeshop concluded with the following outcomes.

  • Well –defined draft guidelines developed for characterization (both phenotypic and molecular), inventory and monitoring;
  • A clear and unbiased selection criteria for Member States (MS) was established for the 1st phase of implementation of the revised and harmonized tools;
  • Clear criteria for the selection of enumerators and outlined "training-of-trainers" module areas were identified;
  • The draft content framework for the AnGR tools' guidelines was proposed and adopted.

Going forward, the draft tools' guidelines will be circulated to the AnGR-TAG members in two weeks' time for review, while AU-IBAR will embark on the selection of member states for the piloting phase of the revised tools as well as finalise the roles and responsibilities of the implementing partners. The writeshop ended on a high note with AnGR-TAG members setting off as advocates of the revised and harmonized AnGR tools that will soon be piloted.