Stocktaking Exercise to Define Intervention Areas along Selected Priority Livestock Value Chains

Wed, 07-08-2019 15:00:00
© 2019 AU-IBAR. Day One: Official Opening of the Stakeholders Stocktaking Exercise to Define Intervention Areas along Selected Priority Livestock Value Chains, from left to Right: Director, AU-IBAR, Prof. Ahmed Elsawalhy; Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, H.E. Prof Dr. Ezz El Din Abostate; EU Representative, Mr. Njurua Mwangi.

The objective of the Stakeholder's Stocktaking meeting is to identify gaps along these selected regional value chains, inventorise the existing efforts and recommend the critical areas of intervention for catalytic effects for a coherent, accelerated and expanded impact.

Mr. Mwangi made a few comments are worth mentioning during the opening ceremony. The need for the Regional Livestock Value Chains to: include the Principle of Inclusivity and target support to women, youth and small scale producers); consider the Theory of change in regional/national concepts; The RECs choices need to be given high preference if our stocktaking will be viable and sustainable; to identify the gaps and improve the regional trade among the African countries as this would offer very good opportunities among the member states; the need for Public Private Partnerships to be well profiled in the concepts.

© 2019 AU-IBAR. Prof. Ahmed Elsawalhy's opening remarks.In his opening remarks, Prof. Ahmed Elsawalhy noted: ''In support of animal resources development and trade AU-IBAR with financial support of the European Union (EU) is implementing a programme, Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods (Live2Africa) to provide the catalyst needed to ensure that the livestock sector becomes one of the most important contributors to the African common market through the development of regional livestock values chains which will harness regional complementarities and economy of scale. This stocktaking exercise is one of the important first steps in achieving this objective.''

The Stakeholders Stocktaking Exercise has drawn 240 participants drawn from both public and private sectors; 49 AU Member States; Representatives from Regional Economic communities; Representatives from International and regional organisations working on animal resources development; Livestock development experts and; Staff from Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture of the Africa Union Commission.

In support of animal resources development and trade AU-IBAR with financial support of the European Union (EU) is implementing a programme, Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods (Live2Africa) to provide the catalyst needed to ensure that the livestock sector becomes one of the most important contributors to the African common market through the development of regional livestock values chains which will harness regional complementarities and economy of scale. This stocktaking exercise is one of the important first steps in achieving this objective.

The stocktaking process begun in February 2019 with a continental workshop to build consensus on the regional priority livestock value chains as the entry points for Live2Africa value chain work.

The priority regional livestock value chains identified are; Dairy for Eastern Africa; Poultry (eggs) for Central Africa; Dairy Value Chain (Camel, Buffalo and small ruminants for North Africa; Meat and live animal for Southern Africa, and Poultry for Western Africa.