Dr. Nick Nwankpa, Acting Director of the African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), and AU-IBAR experts in animal health/ Animal Welfare, Dr. Hiver Boussini, Professor James Wabacha, and Dr. M. Mbaka, made a visit to the Brooke East Africa offices in Nairobi, Kenya, on Thursday, March 1, 2023.
During the visit, AU-IBAR presented certificates of appreciation to the Brooke Hospital for Animals for their outstanding support of the 1st PanAfrican Donkey Confrence, which took place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on December 2-3, 2023, and was co-convened with AU-IBAR and several other stakeholders. The Brooke Animal Hospital was also honoured for their outstanding contributions to the Animal Resources Sector, namely their work safeguarding the well-being of donkeys and the communities in Africa that rely on them.
Dr. Nwankpa presenting certificate to Out-going Director of Programs - Dr. Nigel Wilson
Delegates during the event held at Brooke East Africa
Dr. Nigel Wilson, who has been the Director of Programs, is leaving his position, thus this even was also a farewell for him. There were also regional directors of the Organization from East Africa, Ethiopia, West Africa, India, Pakistan, and the Caribbean present, in addition to Nicola Chevis, who will be taking over from Dr. Wilson as Director of Programs.
Read more on the Pan-African Donkey Conference that took place between 1-2 December, 2022.